What can be used to scratch, sniff, smell, spray and make incredible sounds? An elephants’ most famous and one it’s most important features – it’s trunk. This amazing tool has many uses, from sucking up water to spray into its mouth to smelling food sources and friends. The sheer dexterity and strength of the trunk is made possible due to the extreme amount of muscles that control it; tens of thousands of muscles work together making it the most versatile appendage on the planet. These muscles allow the elephant to lift enormous weight and to have immense precision and delicacy in all that they do. Thong Phoon as you can see has mastered the art of using her trunk to her full advantage. Elephants must start learning how to use their trunks at a very young age, gradually they gain more and more control over this feature as they grow older and just like us they favor their left or right side. Asian elephants have just one lip at the tip of their trunks, while African elephant’s have two. These lips enable them to grab small items such a fruit and other tasty treats. But, just like a fingerprint each trunk is different, meaning the technique differs also. Take a look at Thong Phoon’s technique while watching her enjoy her scrumptious snack…